This page allows for the creation of cross section properties to be used in the calculators on this site. You can create new cross sections from scratch, or copy existing cross sections from the database.

Your list of cross sections will be available in all calculators (where relevant), so add any cross sections you will need.

Your Cross Sections

Display Units:

  • Create new cross sections by clicking the "(new)" row in the table and filling out the text boxes below.
  • Edit cross sections by selecting from the list and updating the text boxes below.
  • Import cross sections from our database on the next tab.
DescriptionHeight [in]Width [in]Web [in]Flange [in]Area [in2]Inertia, Primary [in4]Section Mod, Primary [in3]


Enter the inputs specific to a rectangular cross section:

Rectangular Tube

Enter the inputs specific to a rectangular tube cross section:


Enter the inputs specific to a circular cross section:

Circular Tube

Enter the inputs specific to a circular tube cross section:


Enter the inputs specific to an I-Beam cross section:


Enter the inputs specific to a T-Beam cross section:


Enter the inputs specific to an Channel cross section:


Enter the inputs specific to an Angle cross section:

Custom Cross Section

Enter the inputs for a custom cross section:

Rectangular Cross Section

Cross Section Database

Display Units:

  • Search the database using the form below.
  • Copy to your cross sections by selecting an item from the list and clicking the "Copy" button at the bottom.

Search Database:

DescriptionHeight [in]Width [in]Web [in]Flange [in]Area [in2]Inertia, Primary [in4]Section Mod, Primary [in3]
Row 0 selected

The calculators on this site can be used for free on a limited basis, but to obtain full use of the calculators you must sign up for an account. By subscribing to MechaniCalc, you will receive the following benefits:

  • Unrestricted access to all calculators and other content on this site
  • Ability to create new materials and cross sections for use in the calculators
  • Ability to save input files so that you never lose your work
  • Ability to generate beautifully formatted reports to document results
  • Removal of all advertisements and popups

Please visit our pricing page for more details, or visit our sign-up page. You can cancel at any time if you aren't satisfied.

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